Washington Park is located at 102 Ollie Street, NW Atlanta, Ga 30349. You can get to Washington Park via foot, car or MARTA. Parking is available and located on-site at 102 Ollie Street.
Getting to the park via MARTA:
Washington Park is near the Ashby MARTA Station on the blue and green rail line. If you’re traveling from the east side of Atlanta, take any westbound train to the station. Or from the red or gold red line, transfer at Five Points and follow the signs to the westbound platform. At Ashby, take the main exit out of the station and turn right at street level on Joseph E. Lowry Blvd. At the first stoplight turn left on to Lena Street NW. The park is just over a block down on the right.
Getting to the park via the Atlanta BeltLine Westside Trail:
The Atlanta BeltLine bisects Lena Street in the Washington Park neighborhood to the west of downtown. You’ll find the interim hiking trail at the southwest corner of Washington Park at the western dead end of Lena Street coming from the direction of Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard. The trail is accessible from the Ashby MARTA station at the intersection of Joseph E. Lowery and Lena Street. From Washington Park, you can also hop onto the interim hiking trail (on foot or on mountain bike) and head south to Gordon White Park and then onto Adair Park. You can also link into the Atlanta BeltLine’s paved West End Trail.
Getting to the park via car:
You can map your directions here.
Report A Problem
If you have any questions or need to report a problem about the park, get in touch here or email Parks Customer Service at parkscustormerservice@atlantaga.gov.